Please Help Me Find Hack Action Genre TETRIS®




TETRIS® hack generator Puzzle genre



  • Version info Hello Tetris® fans! We’ve made some behind-the-scenes adjustments to improve overall gameplay and provide a smoother Tetris® experience. Thanks for playing!
  • Average rating 4,5 / 5
  • languages French
  • critiques Since it’s Tetris, the gameplay itself is perfect, however the presentation of the gameplay leaves room to be desired. The sounds when the tetraminos land could sound and feel more satisfying, like in gameboy Tetris and Tetris ds. The pause button should be more ergonomically to press, since it’s small size and circle shape make it a hassle to press, and in games like Tetris where the action gets pretty heated, the ability to pause easily is very important. There is a fee that supposedly stops ads from popping up, yet, after you lose a game in marathon Tetris, the game offers you the chance to continue where you left off if you watch an ad, which seems to defeat the our purpose and makes the game feel to friendly towards the player. My biggest gripe is the store though: I have tried to buy the classic Tetris theme twice now with my carefully saved up coins, yet there’s seems to be a bug because the game doesn’t give you the theme after and leaves the game still locked behind 3000 coins. It also deducts about 200 coins from me even though it says my profile has been revised. That theme is literally the only theme I want from theier limited store, since every other song there is mediocre or bad. Please fix this music purchasing bug, I’m playing offline from Facebook if that matters. Definitely could be a better Tetris
  • Version 2.2.12
  • device Apple Ipad
  • publish Date 2014-10-17

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